Information (English) Why do Japanese infertility patients seek medical treatments in the U.S.? A number of Japanese infertility patients wish to receive medical treatments in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology in the United States because:
Many patients also appreciate the fact that American medical professionals base their services upon informed consent, which is still a new concept in Japan. Patients often feel that they have no control over what is taking place while receiving infertility treatments in Japan. They are extremely grateful to find that medical treatments in the United States are provided in an environment where in-depth information is always available, the probability of successful pregnancy is discussed, and associated risks are clearly reviewed. Services Provided at International Fertility Center International Fertility Center conducts the preliminary
consultation of patients in Japan in order to determine their readiness
to pursue treatments in the United States. In Japan: The primary purpose of International Fertility Center's operation in Japan is to conduct the preliminary consultation of the infertility patients prior to agreeing to provide services in the United States.
All U.S. staff members at International Fertility Center are bilingual in English and Japanese, with special training in medical terminology. OUR MISSION International Fertility Center was conceived with the important mission of supporting infertile couples from Japan who seek alternative methods of realizing their dreams to become parents...a dream which is unattainable for them in Japan. To assist couples in making one of life's most important decisions, International Fertility Center provides advanced in-depth information, as well as support through each step of treatment in the United States through a collaboration among the couple, physicians, nurses and other medical professionals, donor agencies, laboratories, and pharmacies. Our services will be provided with knowledge, efficiency, sensitivity, and a thorough understanding of both American and Japanese cultures. OUR LOGO The letter "I" of our logo represents the handle of a cradle welcoming a new life into this world. Also, the reversal of the "I" from darkness into light represents the overcoming of fertility. And finally, the letter "I" also represents the name International Fertility Center whose mission is to help bring much wished-for life at last into the loving cradle.
卵子の若返りは本当に可能なのか? ターナー症候群の女性達、結婚をあきらめないで! IFCトップページ| お問い合わせ| 卵子提供| 代理出産 先端不妊治療| 提携クリニック| 最新ニュース | 症状別治療情報 | サポート内容 メディア掲載履歴| 治療仲間の声| カウンセリング| 卵子ドナー募集 質問箱| IFCについて| Info(English)| サンフランシスコ案内|関連リンク すでに閉経後の私。それでも可能!?| 60歳女性の出産 Copyright (C) 2001 IntroMed, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |